Choose a Recline Position For Your Lift Chair
Each person has his or her own comfort level. In addition to different styles and different features, different reclining positions are important to consider before purchasing a lift recliner chair.
2-position lift chair: The two positions are sitting upright and reclining back at about 45-degrees from upright, but the chair can be set to any position between upright and that angle. The footrest won't come out fully so you can't stretch your legs straight out. As the chair moves backward, the footrest extends. These 2-position models are good for someone who simply needs help getting up and down but who doesn't plan to sit for long periods of time.
3-position lift chairs: These positions recline back farther, just as a regular recliner typically will. That is the third position and as far back as the chair will go, but it can be set at any position between upright and fully back. It won't recline to a flat position for sleeping, however. The footrest extends as the chair leans back.
Infinite position lift chairs: This type of chair is ideal for sleeping because it will recline flat. An added feature over the 2-position and 3-position chairs is that the footrest and the reclining action are controlled separately.
Zero gravity lift chairs: These types of chairs do everything that an infinite position lift chair will do. They also are able to recline a bit further back and allow you to elevate your legs above your heart. This relieves pressure from your back and improves circulation.
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