Transporting Your Wheelchair In A Truck
Transporting Your Mobility Scooter Or Wheelchair In A Truck
Trucks are made to carry loads, so it might seem like there's not much to say about carrying a scooter or wheelchair in the bed of a truck. But there are actually quite a few things to consider before you purchase this type of lift. If you ever use a camper on the bed of your truck, for instance, you might find that your lift will no longer work. If you have a bed liner you want to keep clean and in good shape, you might use a bed cover which will also affect your ability to haul a scooter. And a bed-mounted tool box can also cause some space problems.
Wheelchairs and scooters can be lifted over the tailgate or over the side. The Ameriglide 350 Truck Bed Lift is one type of side lift. It lifts the wheelchair or scooter over the side of the truck from where it's mounted behind the cab. One big disadvantage to a side lift is that if you're in a parking lot with vehicles parked next you and they're too close, you won't be able to use the lift.
Another option is a boom lift that mounts in the bed that you'll put the tailgate down to use. It lifts the mobility scooter or wheelchair into the bed of the truck by swinging over the wheel well, then lifting it over the dropped tailgate with a rotating arm lift that either operates manually or electrically. Some of these lifts can be taken apart after use, and some can stay assembled in the truck bed, as long as they're built to stand up to the weather.
Don't forget to think about how you'll keep your mobility scooter or wheelchair from moving around in the bed of the truck once you've used a lift to load it. You'll also want to consider how high the mobility device has to be lifted to get into the bed of the truck. That's far higher than it needs to be lifted to get into a car trunk, for instance. Someone should be on hand to steady it, if necessary, as it's lifted into the truck bed.
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